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As Bob describes in the previous section, his Ace with its Merc 500 performed superbly and that should be the end of his rebuild story....but it was not. Bob was zipping on Lake Washington when he hit some boat wakes and some of the old plywood - which seemed to be in great shape - split. Water came inside but Bob got the boat to the ramp and on the trailer.

Tom Regan of the Grapeview Point Boat Works jumped to the rescue in getting Bob's Ace back in shape.

The rear section was removed.
Bob's Sande Ace

Tom removes a bit more plywood.
Bob's Sande Ace

Bob chisels the last of the plywood.
Bob's Sande Ace

Better than working on your knees!
Bob's Sande Ace

Bob's Sande Ace

The new bottom plywood has been epoxied and nailed into place
and the nail heads have been covered with fairing compound.
Bob's Sande Ace

The interior side of the new plywood.
Bob's Sande Ace

Bob's Sande Ace

A drop cloth was taped to protect the "old" paint while the new wood was spray painted.
Bob's Sande Ace

Sande Ace Home Page